“It appears that Netflix will not be moving forward with a sequel to Bright. While Bright 2 was confirmed in 2018 with an orc audition, Bloomberg’s Lucas Shaw revealed that Netflix has ‘abandoned plans to make a sequel to Bright,’ but disclosed that it was not related to the recent slap incident at the Oscars.” Read more at Hype Beast Speaking of Netflix, The first-quarter reports are in, and it isn’t looking too hot a fourth of the way into 2022. Read more at The Mary Sue Fifteen years ago, Andrew Garfield had a relatively obscure role in Doctor Who for one of the show’s strangest outings. “Doctor Who has a long-fabled history of actors—from Julian Glover to Carey Mulligan—showing up in the series before they went on to explode into international stardom, and Doctor Who as a veritable who’s who (sorry) of famous stars before they really started shining is a concept as old as the show itself. But now, 15 years on, we’re looking back at one surprising guest star in particular.” Read more at Gizmodo Nick Cage returns to cinemas this weekend, starring as himself, but what are some other iconic Cage roles? Let’s find out. Read more at The A.V. Club The last season of Better Call Saul has begun! Here are some of the most extravagant fan theories out there. “Better Call Saul is going off to that great big Cinnabon in the sky. The critically acclaimed Breaking Bad spinoff is back for its final season after a two-year hiatus—two years that gave fans plenty of time to theorize about the fates of their favorite characters and the hidden meanings behind their actions.” Read more at Mental Floss Are you a fan of Star Wars games? If so, you’re in luck because a plethora of new titles are coming soon. Read more at Kotaku